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Our Lady Catholic Primary School At Our Lady School, We Learn to Love and Love to Learn with Jesus.


Year 2

Summer 1 Curriculum Information

Year 2 walked to the Focolare Centre in town to see the Art Exhibition 'Deepening the Mystery: ‘unexpected treasures’ of art'. It is an exhibition of religious artwork from international artists. The artwork is incredibly powerful, and we thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the different pieces.

Our History topic is 'Local Heroes'. Lily asked how we could be local heroes. Therefore, as a class we decided that we should donate to a local foodbank, to help others who are in need. We researched local foodbanks and found that there was one very close to school, The New Zion Foodbank. We brought in donations from home and walked to the foodbank. The people who run the foodbank very kindly gave us an Easter egg for our donations.

Creating our own Andy Goldsworthy inspired spirals and circles using natural resources.

Celebrating St Valentine

Ash Wednesday - Receiving the sign of Jesus

Our Daffodils

We are learning about Henri Rousseau, a French artist. We researched him and then used that information to create posters all about him.

Welcome to Year 2!

Teacher : Mrs Ferrin (Mrs Weaver Maternity)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs O'Donnell & Miss Woodman


We are celebrating The Mid Autumn Festival also known as The Moon Festival. A Chinese festival celebrating togetherness and reunion. We are making our own moons using paper maché.

Our Science topic this half term is Plants. We have been watering our flower bed and we also planted new bulbs. We can't wait to watch them grow!

Weather Reporters! We are learning all about Seasons in Geography. We have been learning all about the weather symbols and what they mean. We even got the chance to be weather men and women!

For Poetry Week, we have been reciting the poem 'TO THE COUNTRYSIDE'

We have been learning about evergreen and deciduous trees in Science. We explored the Jubilee Garden. We looked for leaves and we then sorted them in class into two groups; evergreen and deciduous.

Black History Month 2023


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