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Our Lady Catholic Primary School At Our Lady School, We Learn to Love and Love to Learn with Jesus.


Year 6

Teacher : Miss Pearce

Teaching Assistant : Mrs Hobbs

In Science, we have been learning about how animals are adapted to suit their environment and how adaptation may lead to evolution. After learning about Charles Darwin and his work on finches, we took part in an investigation using forceps and seeds to see if Darwin’s theory of evolution can be proven!

Christmas in Year 6

Biscuit decorating in year 6.

Some wonderful home learning creations relating to our Science, R.E. and English topics.

Year 6 held a Christmas Fair to raise money for their chosen charity 'The Passage'

In Year 6, we have been reading texts by William Shakespeare and learning all about the famous playwright. For homework, we created a range of Shakespeare-themed pieces. We recreated costumes and created dioramas of famous scenes from his plays.

As part of our work on Animals including Humans, we have been learning about blood. We recreated blood using sweets and honey to represent each component. Did you know that the average person has around 5 litres of blood inside of them?!

Year 6 were lucky enough to take part in an Archery session led by Mrs Moxham from Stanborough School. We enjoyed taking turns using the bow and arrow and counting up our scores. We are competing against other Year Six classes in WGC and hopefully we win!

In Science, Year 6 had to plan and carry out their own pattern-seeking enquiry. We wanted to find out if there a relationship between the type of exercise that you do and the number of heart beats per minute. Once we have analysed our results, we are going to create line graphs to represent our data!

Spurs Next Generation football programme

Year 6 taking part in Bikeability

Our trip to Aylesford Priory

Year 6 meeting their buddies

Year 6 Young Leader training

Click on the following links to see the Curriculum information for Year 6:
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