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Our Lady Catholic Primary School At Our Lady School, We Learn to Love and Love to Learn with Jesus.


Week 4

This week we have been practising our Phonics. So far, we have learnt the phonemes s, a, t, p, i, n ,m d.

Please practise spotting these letters in different places with your child. Encourage them to say the 'sound' for the letter when they see it.

Here is a link for how to pronounce each sound: 


In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 1 and 2 and how to subitise. This means that we say how many objects we can see without counting them!


In RE, we have been thinking about our families and how each family is different. We have drawn pictures of the people who live in our house. We discussed the word 'belonging' and that we belong to our family.


On Friday, we had our Welcome Service. We know that we also belong to our school. We also know that god made us and that we are all special.

God Made Me!

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